About Journal
HYPOTHESIS-National Journal of Research in Higher Studies
Name of the Journal | HYPOTHESIS-National Journal of Research in Higher Studies |
ISSN (Online) | 2581-8953 |
Editor In Chief | Prof. (Dr) Sharad Kumar Goel |
Subject | Management, Social Science, Science, Information Technology and Mass Communication, Fine Arts |
Journal Language | English |
Frequency | Bi-annual |
Year of Starting | 2018 |
Published by | Indirapuram Institute of Higher Studies (IIHS), Ghaziabad |

Hypothesis is a Bi-annual Open Access Referred National Journal of Research in Higher Studies Published by Indirapuram Institute of Higher Studies(IIHS), Indirapuram, Ghaziabad having ISSN:2581-8953. Hypothesis provides a platform for researchers, academicians, and professionals from various functional areas to share innovative research work in the Indian and Global Perspective. It seeks to publish original research articles in the form of conceptual papers, theoretical and empirical research with clear theoretical backgrounds, case-studies across the different disciplines and domains. The Journal adheres to the double-blind reviewing policy in which the identity of both the reviewer and author are concealed from each other.
The submitted manuscripts will be assessed by reviewers with domain knowledge of the submission’s main research area and by at least one reviewer who comes from a discipline outside the author’s own field. All manuscripts are assessed initially by the Editors and only those papers will be sent for outside review that meet the methodological and editorial standards of the journal and fit within the aims and scope of the journal.
The objective of this journal is to encourage and nurture original thoughts and ideas without diluting the conventional theories in the expanding stream of knowledge across different disciplines and domains.
The Journal don’t charge any Submission / Publication fee.